About problem: You press power's switch to activate You PC, but PC not point out life sign. What happen? Solution: If it happens on Your PC, there are several possible who shall be checked one about one step by step. Stage 1: Check all electric network, from outlet AC gets to PSU (power supply is unit) Your pc. What has been assembled perfectly. Beginning from ensures switch PSU in positioning ON, or even one presumably You utilize UPS (uniterruptable power supply) and / or stabilizer AVR (automated voltage regulator). Ensure all deep positioning ON and in a state functioning with every consideration. Stage 2: If that thing is not its cause, therefore new next possible on Your PC. Ensure all cable (particularly power's cable) and component is assembled with every consideration. Its trick with open casing, then presses component back and conector is aught cable. Sometimes it is caused because conector that don't most link perfectly. Looking at also ATX 12V, one that gets to be found on mostly motherboard four years lately. Motherboard won't show off, without energy ration from conector it. Stage 3: This enough will fuss. Do head set checking by piece. One that intended is CPU and motherboard. Ensure both still functioning with every consideration. Because says if damage CPU, system won't blaze absolutely. And so do if motherboard wrecks. Specifically for energy portion business it (MOSFET, band energis on PCB and so on). This will also cause PC won't react absolutely.
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