HTML/Javascript gadget for blogroll
It is good practice to backup template and backup gadgets. However, not all Blogger gadgets (formerly called Page Elements) can be backed up. The Blogger Link List (blogroll) cannot be backed up. If your blogroll is very long, you may want to put the blogroll in a scroll box. The Blogger Link List (blogroll) also cannot be contained in a scroll box.My preference for a blogroll had always been to use a HTML/Javascript gadget and hyperlinks instead. I shall detail below the HTML for such a purpose below:
There is one more thing you can do with this method that you cannot (not really cannot, but you will have to tamper with the template) with Blogger Link List - make the links open in new tabs or windows. When you use the HTML/Javascript gadget to make your Link List, all you have to do is to add target="_blank" or target="new" as shown below
Update: This post How to change template without losing widgets says widgets (gadgets or Page Elements) can be transferred from the old template to the new template. I have not and probably will not test it out, but if true, you can sort of backup your gadgets including Link List by backing up your template. I probably would not test it out because I have faced enough problems getting bX errors or "your template cannot be parsed ....." messages when changing template for me to prefer to stick with what I have described at backup gadgets (page elements). If you ever try to do what the above post and succeeded without getting error messages, please leave a comment
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