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Read more.....“Tips and Trick Download Winutuxu OS with Sp2 (Windows & Linux in One CD)”

we can do to be on the other (the original is not unreasonable to explain :-). You can try the following tips to disrupt the mouse on your computer or your friends. Roil here is, the mouse will sway their own and difficult to handle. For other people who may not know that the mouse is damaged. In ... ... :-). To do this follow these steps:

1. Download the file and extract to any folder.
2. Run the file system.exe by 2x.
3. Done.

Then, to "tame" is how the mouse again? How easy. Simply press the Esc-key in the top left corner.

Read more.....“Tips and trick damage Mouse”

Open http://www.google.com types "tips and trick troublesome computer"

1st at google search engine

begin from angered, finally blog I can be at eratas search engine google's position...
goodly yes instead of unegual really ..
I want to give its tips hit it, few leak...

1.one that you do be register at http://www. google. com/addurl. content all that data.

2.if you have logged in you input go to http://adwords. google.com/select/login. then you make title appropriate key word blog you.

3.if you have made key word, you attempt crosses a cheque at search google with that key word.. as:tips and trick troublesome computer

If you have successful, make a abode share and don't knowledge meanie...
give you comment if still unclear...

Open http://www.google.com types "tips and trick PIN google adsense"

3rd at google search engine

Open http://www.google.com types "tips and trick troublesome hardware"

1st at google search engine

if wants as this, please to shove off blog's comment and address you.. thank you

Read more.....“Tips and Trick SEO (Search engine Optimization)”

Flash Disk's name have at society circle in particular college student, because Flash disk or the so called also USB Flash Drive, often been utilized to keep a variety that good data word's format, avi, etc..

There are many utility from Flash Drive, but if you are experience Flash Drive's trouble nots you want to be taken down by safe from computer.

There are several tips for you that Flash Drive is easily to be taken down safe at you computer?

1. Utilize Task Manager

While exists statement Flash Drive not safe being disjoined. If You have closed all program and Flash Drive makes a abode not want to be released, try to use application ‘ Task Manager ’.

You press ‘ Ctrl Alt Delete ’ concurrently to arise ‘ Task Manager ’ at Windows Xp. Then tab click ‘ Processes ’. Afterwards, check detail computing process that be happens here.

While exists process that approximately comes from Flash Drive, choose that process then press ‘ end process ’. Then, try for back releases Flash Drive

2. With Other alternative

If by upon Flash Drive make a abode not been declared for safe being taken down, there is 2 option who can be taken which is:
a. Turn the computer off then pull out Flash Drive that.

b. Or You can sail through risk with just directly pull out Flash Drive. This stage is assessed not evoke problem if Flash Drive is disjoined while all its program has been closed. But no Flash Drive's surety You Are safe in this way.

3. Software vesture ‘ USB Safely Remove ’

By other You can utilize trial's version software named USB Safely Remove. This software its utilised for cause of Flash Drive doesn't want unlaced, then points out its solution. Just just if You want to have this software permanent , You shall pay a number money.

Read more.....“Disjoins USB Flash Drive That difficult at reject”

If you play at open mode 3 cards therefore you can change it as open 1 cards by press and bate tombol Ctrl + Alt + Shifts at keyboard you and click further card bank at left corner on. This nasty method worth at the moment you have stuck, but doesn't secure you for can solve you game. Safe tries and hopefully successful.

Read more.....“tips and trick's Makes The Point Nasty play Solitaire Game at Windows”

Maybe a time You Are find You computer feels to slow than usually. One of because, maybe since harddsik You was full. This following many stages to free full harddisk room:

1. Beginning is with going Cleanup's Disc. Disc Cleanup will erase Internet transient file and Windows 2000, emptying Recycle Bin and erases component that don't You utilize in the period of which long time. Cleanup's disc constitutes to step start to give room more broad in harddisk.
2. Audio file see and video, then erases song, film or other file already don't You want be, although single's song or video not eats a lot of place at harddisk. You can record song and video in CD get big capacity before You erase it from computer You.
3. Vote for “ Add Or Remove Programs ” from Control Pane and erases program that don't You utilize, since Disc Cleanup not handles program. While are You wend list program, cast about for whatever program that You needs and make it regular over there or erases it.
4. You can download, install and carries on program anti spyware, since Cleanup's Disc as almost can't detect file type that contains spyware. It is of important to free there are many deep space harddisk, at a swoop protects You computer from spyware's infection.

Read more.....“Tips gives space Harddisk's Capacity”

Common trick that is utilized to turn the computer off is with presses switch to start and then Shut Down, exists to make the point other applicable to switch off or shut down is your computer.

Trick is first is with press power's switch on keyboard you. Ensure at keyboard you exist that switch. Usually on keyboard new has has been proveded with by power switch. But if there is switch power not secure you pc can be switched off by that switch.

Trick secondly is by press windows switch (usually pictorial windows logo) then to be followed by touch switch aims onto gets to shut down's option then enter and vote for shut down and enter's press again.

Meanwhile the latest trick is by press alt key + F4 on desktop display to activate shut down's menu at your pc, then chooses function that you wants.

Read more.....“Shut Down's trick or Turns The Computer Off you PC Without Touch The Mouse”

Usually Flash Disk which touches virus as Agnes's virus, Dian Sastro can't be erased by use of delete key or Shift combine + Delete at Windows .

But there is particular trick to exterminate it:

1. Command Prompt's open
2. Cd\'s type
3. Flash Disk type lies to take example by Flash Disk at drive d. meaning typewritten "D:" (without quotation mark)
4. del's type *.* or with format d.: Enter's press.

If you utilize Format d.: beforehand data matter at Backup. Hopefully this article is beneficent.

Read more.....“Erasing virus at USB Flash Disk”

Adsense's tips: High Paying keyword with Google Adwords Keyword Tool
To you that assemble Adsense at blog / website, have ever been get 0.01 USD?. To avoid undersize earning point, we can utilize 2 tipses, which is:

1. Utilizing Competitive Ads Filter
2. Looking for keyword with Earning alias High High Paying Keyword (HPK)

First trick can be done by inserts website's list that on registers filter. It can walk effective, but just evoke its issue PSA'S advertising (Public service Ads).

Second trick relative easier. We can utilize Google Adwords Keyword Tool to look for keyword with assesses high enough earning. Most effective trick is look for keyword who corresponds to blog / website's theme we. E.g., if we have blog with Hosting's theme, we can look for HPK'S list bases keyword that we inserts, then choosing "Cost and Ads Position Estimates" on option "Choose is to's data display".

Besides tools sought after bases keyword, Google also provide keyword's search corresponds to blog that we has. This there is on Site Related Keywords's option

To apply this tips, don't over be glued on keyword who is passed on. Better we make a abode to write article as usually, new tries to adjust it with HPK. Don't flip over. If upending, HPK doesn't be gotten, advertising with earning little sparse even accosts. Evenless if HPK what does be thrust in conflict with theme blog / website, if even perform difficult at click by visitor

Read more.....“Tips Adsnese: High Paying keyword with Google Adwords Keyword Tool”

There is easy tips to make easy we activate or carry on application program on windows 2000 computer just by presses three switches on keyboard as knobbed as shortcut is switch alias shortcut who diseting can correspond to our wish.

This following is staged for setting shortcut's switch on keyboard:

1. Right click on shortcut icon then vote for "properties". Its example as shortcut Windows Media Player on menu starts or on desktop / main appearance.
2. On stuffing "shortcut goes to y." content is with just presses one switch that we wants. E.g. press once switch letters a. on keyboard you. Later self acting will lap over code as "Ctrl + Alt + a.".
3. Vote for "OK" at down section.
4. From now on if you press three switches concurrently, which is ctrl key, Alt And a. therefore Windows Media Player program will active.

You can do setting reand another seting icon shortcut according to appetite you.

Tips and triks it just applies on shortcut icon on desktop appearance, start menu, and other as it.

span class="fullpost">

Read more.....“Tips Activates / Carry On Computer Program With Keyboard Keypad On OS Windows”

Present Google Chrome becomes primadona at all points, although Google Chrome it stills in version's BETA phase, but have millions person have tried on browser this.

Google Chrome's present is predicted will defeat IE8 and Firefox. Of course it not only speed, security even becomes preeminent consentrasion from browser new this.

To is want to download offline installer's version, please click in here (Google Chrome is version

Read more.....“Tips Download Google Chrome Offline Installer”

There are many trick to hasten the red fox one of it is with modifies abaut config. In this way available a lot of string or goes to y. to y. which can at modification,one that to hasten mozilla us.

This following available many to y. on firefox that mandatory to be substituted that we can surf lebi cozy.

1. browser Mozilla Firefox's open.
2. Type' about:config' on address bar, then enter's press.
3. Down page until You find sentence' browser.tabs.showSingleWindowsModePrefs', then double clicks so setting becomes' true'.

1. Down again page Firefox until You find caw row' network.http.pipelining', then double clicks so setting also as' true'.
2. Last, down again page Firefox and looks for sounded row' network.http.pipelining.maxrequests', then double clicks. You that will one window is up pop. Change number at up pop that becomes 60. Then presses' OK'.
3. Firefox's close then attempt reopens. If no problem, You Firefox will be opened 10 40 faster percents than previous with such stages as upon.

We change can go to y. to the other perceives to be required, but neglectless because if incorrectly therefore me nothing knows what do will happen. Extant other trick to hasten our mozilla,which is with install addons that named FasterFox. With gistall addons this therefore enables our Firefox gets to optimize bandwith's using up so ensues Firefox will walk faster. To get FasterFox you can download it in here.

Just as catan Fasterfox kompitibel with Firefox break even 1.5 2.0 and can't yet walk on Firefox break even 3.0.

Safe tries and hopefully beneficent.

Read more.....“Tips hastens Mozilla Firefox (i. part)”

I get google adsense's PIN

Adsense Letter

Finally Pin Which is waited have came also!! initially surprises, As homewards as of college available good news of a mother, she tells available letter... whew... apparently I was fired off BY PIN first me.. is its pleasing!! Hopefully with marks sense this pin I become to get blog's cause spirit goes on...

Thank you google adsense...
for you all that hoby blogging pleases to list yourselves at google adsense..

Read more.....“Tips and Trick | PIN Google Adsense”

Another brave soul has started a project that give free linux cd worldwide, this time it is backed by The Linux Store , a canadian based online Linux CD shop.

Among CDs that you can request for free are :

  • OpenSUSE
  • Fedora Core
  • Mandriva
  • Gentoo
  • Debian
  • Knoppix

Unlike The Free Linux CD Project, the CD are of latest version and newly processed just for you. The free linux cd can be requested through http://free.thelinuxstore.ca/. Please consider making donations for the project to ensure its continuality.

Ubuntu CDs however can be requested through its Shipit interface for free, courtesy of Canonical Ltd.

click here For Request CD ubuntu

click here For Request CD edubuntu

click here For Request CD ubuntu

Read more.....“Tips And Trick Free Request CD Ubuntu”

As one you see, at next door right blog this there is one box which contains box to fill in email address and one switch whatever available writing "Subscribe Trick New". in trick and this time tips we will study group about of making that box. Tut, need at is clear before what function from form that. Form that its function is subject to be water down readers blog we to be able to subscribe or get new posting info we pass through their email. So if posting news article therefore clientele / reader already insert their email form that self acting will get meaty email posting the newest one us.
makes the point to make form "Subscriber's email" that:

1. Visit this sites: http://www. feedburner. com
2. Your coming first time will direct box to fill in feed your blogs address that will be burnt
3. Usually feed blog's address you as it http://NAME YOUR BLOG. blogspot. com / feeds / posts / default, deputize for writing NAME YOUR BLOG by the name of address your blog.
3. Fill in feed YOUR blog name previously in box that is released that, if your blog it its content just video therefore marks off to hit on box "I. am a. podcaster", otherwise yes nothing is hit. Then switch click "next"
4. You afterwards that will again with form registration, fill in needful data over there, clicks switch "Activate Feed"
5. Successful following will there is information "Congrats! your......".
6. At its bottom will there is knobbed "Next" and link "Skip directly to feed management" this time is elective link's one "Skip directly to feed management", actually passes switch "next" can but let sharp we pass another way .
7 then following will there is many menus, this time is elective menu "Publicize"
8. Afterwards at left will emerge severally menu. Vote for menu "Subscriptions's email".
9. Then switch click "Activate"
10. afterwards following will there is many meaty box codes. is .you went that gets to form form therefore elective code which is at box "Subsciption Form Code".
11. Copy is aught code in previous box, clicks switch "Save" to activate that service.
12. Its tide trick, Log in to go to blogger, vote for "layout--> Add a. Gadget--> HTMl / Java Script" paste is code already you copy previously over there.

Now attempt seen by your blog, before there is cannikin form to "Subscriber's emaill".

like publishing totals reader that suscribe its trick:
- Log in to go to feedburner then vote for feed yor blog
- comes in to go to menu "Publicize--> FeedCount" there script who shall copy's km and tide at your blog.

Read more.....“Tips and trick making Form "Subscriber's email" / "Subscribe Over Emai"”

How to get indexed by Google and othe search engines

This question have been often asked by impatient bloggers on forums. Well, if you are patient, nowadays, you don't need to do anything, and your blog will eventually be indexed by Google and other search engines. However, it may take some time. If you are impatient, perhaps there are various things you can do.

The best thing you can do is to get inbound links from sites that have already been indexed by the search engines. Then when spider go to that site to crawl the site, it will come across you link and will go to you site to crawl it too. This will also do you good as having links to your sites will increase seaarch engine ranking. However, this is easier said than done unless you have your own site which has already been indexed. If you have no one to turn to to ask for inbound links, perhaps you can try to search for similar sites and offer to exchange links. For such purposes, it will be advantages to know the PageRank of the sites. See this post on how you can easily find the PageRank of your own site and any other sites: How to get the PageRank of your and other sites. (close the new window to get back to this page). Other ways to get links is to submit to blog directories.

Submit site to Directories

You can also submit your site to blog or other directories to get inbound links. To make your task easier, it is good to carefully prepare in advance title and a short description of your blog which you can use for all the directories, otherwise you will have to type it each time you try to submit your blog to a directory.

The best directory to get listed on is the Open Directory. To submit your site to Open Directory, go to How to suggest a site to the Open Directory. (Close the new window to get back to this page). Google, and many other search engines, uses the data of the Open Directory Project. In fact, Google Directory is taken from DMOZ, so if you get listed in DMOZ, your site is also listed in Google Directory. This means your site will have 2 high PageRank and authoritative site. However, it is VERY hard to get into the Open Directory. This blog got listed in DMOZ. You can read about it here: DMOZ, the most important directory, and Blogger Tips and Tricks got listed without even submitting (click BACK button to get back to this page).

It is easier to submit your blog to blog directories. There are many blog directories. Here are some blog directories:

(Close new windows to get back to this page)
Blog Catalog
Globe of Blogs
Blog Universe

There are many other blog directories. When I have the time, I will compile them into a post and put a link here.

Submit URL to search engines

You can also submit your URL to search engines, but I hear they may not help much. Anyway, here are the links to the sites where you can submit your URL to search engines:
Submit your URL to Google
ExactSeek - Add your URl
Submit URL to Yahoo
MSN URL Submission

Add a Google Sitemap to your blog

Some are of the opinion that adding a Google sitemap will help your blog get indexed faster. In any case, adding a Google Sitemap to your blog has its advantages. It will make it easier for the spider to crawl your site. To get instruction on how to add a Google Sitemap to your blog, go to Adding a Google Sitemap to your blog. (Close the new window to get back to this page)

Read more.....“Tips and Trick | How to get indexed by Google and othe search engines”

Small SEO tips - upload an image or images to your blog post whenever you can. Why? I have visitor counters in practically all my blogs and occasionally check them to find out where my visitors are coming from. It is not infrequent that I find hits from image searches. For example, look at a portion of today's hits to Natural Remedies. Of the first 4 hits, 2 (50%) are from image searches.

I am not suggesting that you will get lots of hits from image searches, but I am pretty sure you will get at least some. In fact, in some of my very low traffic blogs, more than 50% of the hits were from image searches. However, to balance things out, this is the highest traffic blog that I have, but I don't get anything even near to 50% of the hits from image searches. I do get at least some from image searches, and for that, I am very grateful.

So if you want hits from search engines, do upload or include () images whenever possible. Do remember also to complete the alt="" attribute as search engines cannot read images but they do read the text you put in between the quotation marks "" of the alt="" tag.

However, just so that you do not get too high an expectation, how many hits from image searches will depend on the type of blog you have and its Page Rank.

Read more.....“Tips SEO: Upload Images Whenever you can”

HTML/Javascript gadget for blogroll

It is good practice to backup template and backup gadgets. However, not all Blogger gadgets (formerly called Page Elements) can be backed up. The Blogger Link List (blogroll) cannot be backed up. If your blogroll is very long, you may want to put the blogroll in a scroll box. The Blogger Link List (blogroll) also cannot be contained in a scroll box.

My preference for a blogroll had always been to use a HTML/Javascript gadget and hyperlinks instead. I shall detail below the HTML for such a purpose below:

There is one more thing you can do with this method that you cannot (not really cannot, but you will have to tamper with the template) with Blogger Link List - make the links open in new tabs or windows. When you use the HTML/Javascript gadget to make your Link List, all you have to do is to add target="_blank" or target="new" as shown below

Update: This post How to change template without losing widgets says widgets (gadgets or Page Elements) can be transferred from the old template to the new template. I have not and probably will not test it out, but if true, you can sort of backup your gadgets including Link List by backing up your template. I probably would not test it out because I have faced enough problems getting bX errors or "your template cannot be parsed ....." messages when changing template for me to prefer to stick with what I have described at backup gadgets (page elements). If you ever try to do what the above post and succeeded without getting error messages, please leave a comment

Read more.....“Tips Trick HTML/Javascript gadget for blogroll”

3D Virtual Desktop is cool small program which doesn’t require even a installation and lets you manage 4 desktop in 3d Environment. You can rotate it left or right and can have 4 desktop with as many programs opened. You just have to download and unzip it. Then run the “YouDm 3d” to start the service. You might not get any effect when you just click it. You need to set some of the settings and then use the hot keys to move your windows in and out and rotate to chose another desktop.!!! We have 4 options here (Scroll down to see all the details )

3D Virtual Desktop

You will have to use the hot keys like ctrl and shit so that you can rotate around the desktops. Here is the configuration screen. Don’t forget to choose your language when you start the screen. This can also be configured to start with windows.

3d desktop configuration

You can also choose to use anti aliasing feature and your graphics hardware to be used or not. It will depend on you hardware. Right now , my screen becomes little blurred when i rotate it but thats it. Thats not a problem.

Download 3D virtual Dekstop Manager ( Not availble, Any more )

#2 CubeDesktop 6 3d Desktops with individual wallpapers and desktop icons:


  1. 5 awesome ways to preview and switch between desktops.
  2. Set personalized backgrounds and 360º panoramic directions
  3. For both Windows XP and Vista users
  4. Independent Wallpapers and Desktop Icons for every desktop.
  5. A live preview of what’s happening

Hope you have fun with this small software, You can also Check out Vista Tips and Tweaks or If you are a XP XP tweaks or Get The Vista looks on XP user read. Hope you have fun with this small software

Tags: , , , , , ,

Read more.....“Tips and Trick | Download 3D Virtual Desktop for windows XP and Vista”

The revolutionary 3D Wonder 3D Desktop improves and makes it easier to use your Windows PC. Animated real-time 3D Worlds create an overwhelming entertaining and fun to use desktop. Breakthrough iCube technology lets you organize your tasks and icons in previously impossible way.

Version 1.1 adds new features and fixes some bugs.

See more CNET content tagged:
Share photos and videos directly to the desktop.

Read more.....“Tips and Trick | Publisher's description of 3D Wonder 3D Desktop”

Hereunder there is umpteen tips and trick what do maybe get beneficent. This time I will comment about revamp setting setting on registry windows 2000, so accords as which we want. For over safe it I suggest you for membackup all Resgistry.
Its trick:
Start> Run, Regedit's type then OK
On Registry Editor, My Computer's click
Then File click>Export, give backup's file name, for example BackupRegistry. And OK click.

Preventing setting's substitution Properties's display
You can do setting display from Control display Pane or through rights click on desktop, then chooses Properties.
With setting hereunder other people can't substitute setting on that display.
Follow following step.
Start——–'s click>Run, type regedit then Enter's press.
To y.:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows \CurrentVersion\Policies\System
Value Name: NoDispCPL
Type's data: REG_DWORD
Data: (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled / prevents substitution)

Hiding drive on My Computer
You can hide drive on My Computer by input to:
To y.: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\
Value Name: NoDrives
Type's data: DWORD Value
On data You can fill with drive that wants You stash. There is point even it is:
A: 1, B: 2, C: 4, D: 8, E: 16, F: 32, G: 64, H: 128, I: 256, J: 512, K: 1024, L: 2048, M: 4096, N: 8192, O: 16384, P: 32768, Q: 65536, R: 131072, S: 262144, T: 524288, U: 1048576, V: 2097152, W: 4194304, X: 8388608, Y: 16777216, Z: 33554432, ALL: 67108863

MS is Command Prompt's PACK
setting is this following will prevent “ purpose ” MS command prompt's PACK on Windows 2000.
To y.:
Value Name: disabled
Type's data: DWORD Value
Data: (0 = disable, 1 = enable / prevents MS command prompt's Packs)

Read more.....“Tips and Trick Makes Registry Windows”

To Firefox's user that wants to add browser's speed, this following methods can be tried, as quoted by detikINET from Online tech,

Method 1:

1. browser Mozilla Firefox's open.
2. Type ‘ about:config ’ on address bar, then enter's press.
3. Down page until You find sentence ‘ browser.tabs.showSingleWindowsModePrefs ’,
then double clicks so settingan becomes ‘ true ’.
4. Down again page Firefox until You find caw row ‘ network.http.pipelining ’, then double clicks so setting also as ‘ true ’.
5. Last, down again page Firefox and looks for sounded row ‘ network.http.pipelining.maxrequests ’, then double clicks. You that disuguhi will one window is up pop. Change number at up pop that becomes 60. Then presses ‘ OK ’.
6. Firefox's close then attempt reopens. If no problem, You Firefox will be opened 10 40 faster percents than previous with such stages as upon.

Method 2:

Other abstract stage to increase speed Firefox is by use of add on for Firefox named FasterFox. FasterFox this make bandwidth's using up more effective so can hasten performa Firefox. You can download FasterFox at address: http://fasterfox. mozdev. org.

http://www. tco mmunity. com

Read more.....“Tips Hastens Browsing”

Problem On Mother Board

Phenomena: After been started up, no appearance at monitors, indicator lamp (led) at front pane blazes, indicator lamp (led) glisten monitor, power supply's fan and procesor's fan revolves, no voice beep at speaker.

Solution: Untrammeled first step all power's cable that most link goes to electricity, data cable goes to to monitor, keyboad /'s cable the mouse, and all cable that most link goes to CPU, then escape all cashing's closing screw. In a state casing is opened pleases you are loose also another components, which is tension cable from power supply what do most link go to Motherboard, harddisk, floppy, on the ball in its workmanship doesn't jump at a conclusion. So even with Card what does stick on Mboard (VGA, Sound or another Card). Now that sticks on cashing just MotherBoard just. You pleases check Motherboadnya in an elaborate way, Chip see (IC), Elko, Transistor and another one what there is that burning.

If no burning component auspices possible still good Motherboard, but there is scorpion it nots Mboard clears a root since damage on programs that available at BIOS

Read more.....“Tips Problem On Mother Board”

Here are some tips can help you double the speed of Firefox.

1. Type about:config in the address bar and then press Enter.
2. In the filter search bar type network.http.pipelining. Be sure the value field is set true, if not double-click to set true.
HTTP is the application-layer protocol that most web pages are transferred with. In HTTP 1.1, multiple requests can be sent before any responses are received. This is known as pipelining. Pipelining reduces page loading times, but not all servers support it.
3. Go back to the filter search bar and type network.http.pipelining.maxrequests.
Double-click this option and set its value to 8.
4. In the filter search bar and type network.http.proxy.pipelining. Once opened doubleclick on it and set it to true.
5. In IPv6-capable DNS servers, an IPv4 address may be returned when an IPv6 address is requested. It is possible for Mozilla to recover from this misinformation, but a significant delay is introduced.
Type network.dns.disableIPv6 in the filter search bar and set this option to true by double clicking on it.
6. Content Interrupt Parsing
This preference controls if the application will interrupt parsing a page to respond to UI events. It does not exist by default.
Right-click (Apple users ctrl-click) anywhere in the about:config window, select New and then Boolean from the pop-up menu. Then:
A. Enter content.interrupt.parsing in the New boolean value pop-up window and click OK
B. When prompted to choose the value for the new boolean, select true and click OK.
7. Rather than wait until a page has completely downloaded to display it to the user, Mozilla applications will regularly render what has been received to that point. This option controls the maximum amount of time the application will be unresponsive while
8. rendering pages. Right-click (Apple users ctrl-click) anywhere in the about:config window, select New and then Integer from the pop-up menu.
A. Enter content.max.tokenizing.time in the New integer value pop-up window and click OK
B. You will be prompted to enter a value. Enter 2250000 and click OK.
9. Content Notify Interval
This option sets the minimum amount of time to wait between reflows. Right-click (Apple users ctrl-click) anywhere in the about:config window, select New and then Integer from the pop-up menu.
A. Type content.notify.interval in the New integer value pop-up window and click OK.
B. You will be prompted to enter a value. Enter 750000 and click OK.
10. Content Notify Ontimer
A. This option sets if to reflow pages at an interval any higher than that specified by content.notify.interval. Right-click (Apple users ctrl-click) anywhere in the about:config window and select New and then Boolean from the pop-up menu.
B. Type content.notify.ontimer in the New boolean value pop-up window and click OK.
C. You will be prompted to choose the value for the new boolean. Select true and click OK.
11. Notify Backoffcount
This option controls the maximum number of times the content will do timer-based reflows. After this number has been reached, the page will only reflow once it is finished downloading. Right-click (Apple users ctrl-click) anywhere in the about:config window and select New and then Integer from the pop-up menu.
A. Enter content.notify.backoffcount in the New integer value pop-up window and click OK.
B. You will be prompted to enter a value. Enter 5 and click OK.
12. Content Switch Threshold
You can interact with a loading page when content.interrupt.parsing is set to true. When a page is loading, the application has two modes: a high frequency interrupt mode and a low frequency interrupt mode.

The first one interrupts the parser more frequently to allow for greater UI responsiveness during page load. The low frequency interrupt mode interrupts the parser less frequently to allow for quicker page load.The application enters high frequency interrupt mode when you move the mouse or type on the keyboard and switch back to low frequency mode when you had no activity for a certain amount of time. This preference controls that amount of time.
Right-click (Apple users ctrl-click) anywhere in the about:config window and select New and then Integer from the pop-up menu.
A. Enter content.switch.threshold in the New integer value pop-up window and click OK.
B. You will be prompted to enter a value. Enter 750000 and click OK.
13. Nglayout Initial Paint Delay
Mozilla applications render web pages incrementally, they display what’s been received of a page before the entire page has been downloaded. Since the start of a web page normally doesn’t have much useful information to display, Mozilla applications will wait a short interval before first rendering a page. This preference controls that interval.Rightclick (Apple users ctrl-click) anywhere in the about:config window and select New and then Integer from the pop-up menu.
A. Enter nglayout.initialpaint.delay in the New integer value pop-up window and click OK.
B. You will be prompted to enter a value. Enter 0 and click OK.

I have tested it, and it works. Now, why dont you try it?


Read more.....“Tips Speed Up Mozilla Firefox”

Data constitutes soul who we shall protect and secure deep world technological information, since with data all information is of important can be featured. There is tech sort to protect and secures data, one that one of it is by backup (double) into one storage media as hardisk, CD, Diskette, Flash Disk etcetera. But how if that data is lost instantaneous without we realise we have no backup?!

To answer that question, writer will give tech exact recipe recovery / saves data. In case to remove that data, obviously we shall know earlier about problem which are at our hardisk??? Basically hardisk has some part amongst those Partition Table, MBR (Master Boot Record), Cluster / sector.... and is still complex more for our debate!

In short data which gets lost false effect in or not deliberate deleted provided that data which gets lost that not overwritten several times with data a new one, therefore may simply that data is extant expectation to be saved or at recovery! There are many free software that functioning to call lost data and partisi what does wreck. To it writer wants various to You software what do writer use to recovery data.... Okay learns and understand stage after explanation and tech stage hereunder:


Utilize DriveRescue's Software, can download at: http://home. nexgo. de / christian_grau / rescue / index. html

Install icon setup that! after processes Insatall finish... There is 3 selection options; Recovery deleted files, Find lost is data, Find lost Drive. stay suiting about problem forfeit data which You experience

After You choose from option third that, system will menscan Bios direct and drive, then will perform select drive's menu, you stays elective data which get lost initially at drive which?! then switch click OK... process afterwards will walk automatically and waits a few moments.

Files succeeding phase / lost data previous will at marks by folder's bulk young green chromatic, you stays sought for folder folder young green chromatic that! if has have been found by lost file previous conducting soon storage by rights click that data then Save To...

In this case we have successful save our data. But is still need about been understood hardisk's concept and character from that operating system is alone, since with so we will see and understand really data which be still get character how that still can be saved or not?!

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Read more.....“TIPS SAVES LOST DATA”

Tips and Trick | 5 Steps to Start Successful Blogging

Though my own experience in blogging and talking to people, I realized that there are too many people out there that say they want to get started with a blog… but they never get down to doing it!

Today I share with you the first 5 steps to take, to get started blogging!

1. Pick a topic

Remember that in order to have a successful blog, you need to have a good readership. People like to read blogs that are focused, on one single topic. Pick a topic you are interested to share with people about. Is it tennis or golf or hockey, or computer tips, or creativity or stress management? Decide on one. Just one.

2. Get started with Blogger

The next step is to quickly get started with the blog already! Getting started with the blog is the simplest step! Just head on to Blogger.com, and follow the steps. You can get started in less than 10 minutes! Do your best to pick a URL that is consistent with your blog topic. For example, if you are talking about stress management, you might want to try http://stress-management.blogspot.com, or something similar.

3. Start your first few posts

Start writing a post a day, don’t worry about marketing your blog yet. Really, explore different writing styles, try writing at different times of the day. Make sure your blog is at least a week old with at least 5 - 10 posts before you start to decide to market your blog. Many blogs don’t even get past this stage.

4. Market your blog

When you have more or less got comfortable with writing on your blog, then its time to market your blog. This way, when the visitors come, at least they have a short archive to read rather than one pathetic post! You can market your blog in different ways, and the best way I’ve found is to go around finding blogs in the same topic and start posting your valuable comments on their posts! Strive to add value, don’t spam.

5. Keep updating

Keep updating your blog on a regular basis, respond to comments. As you start to write, you will start to write better, and slowly you will start to create a writing personality. At the same time, keep up with the marketing, keep surfing around for blogs and commenting. Also observe how people craft their posts, and do your best to write better posts that would entice comments. Soon, you will find reader coming back everyday for updates!

Read more.....“5 Steps to Start Successful Blogging”

Dollars scavenging program this goodly sharp. We not necessarily work, just mereferensikan someone to register at domain no charge co.cc. Its trick is so easy, you stay to register at website http://co. cc then vote for menu "Referral". then you will enjoin to fill registration form, km afterwards will get referral's code you. there is that gets to form link and there is also that gets to form banner as it:

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CO.CC:Free Domain

Free Domain co.cc
example : http://noizewatinglist.co.cc

Banner or link that you can assemble at blog you, or scatter km where is given up. Your will be paid as much $0.1 if there is person lists her at free domain co.cc. Its payment is transferred over paypal direct. interest? not available its loss shuttlecock is tried, its list is free again. Hunting registers..

Read more.....“Tips and Trick | Get Dollar From co.cc Free Domain”

To make so blog we can emerge at search engine, what again appearance it at front and upper page, constituting well-nigh wish all blogger. But is not easy to make our blog position at top rank result search engine. There are many trick that is done so that thing materializes, beginning from script's brain one and meta tag until pays SEO Service's service. is this following I will give few tips or things that regard why blog we that position can at thread on yielding seeking search engine, or at least input in a series search result is at distended thread

This following its tips (to Google) :
1. types's attempt URL Blog's address you at google search then Enter's press. If your blog emerges to mean have gone to indes at google but maybe still competing defeat with another one. And if your blog misses fire to mean haven't to index at google. Attempt lists blog km at http://google. com / addurl. Indirect result becomes , so needs time so blog we most index by google.

2. "Title Blog", if makes blog of course we are enjoined to make title blog. Title blog this momentous and so ascendant to usufruct sought after at search engine, so smart to choose title your blog . Make title blog that figures to fill from your blog . Don't over-long and do not too short.

3. "Title Posting". Title posting this also close resemblance the importance for with title blog. In makes title posting or postings title ought to been thought up correct, imagine approximately title what match the most for your posting. Also imagines approximately if km look for article about your posting that, keyword what do will type's your in search engine. Such a imagine.

4. "Blog's update", often update blog km at least in one its week really two-time or. It evers been I feel its effect at one of my blog. In the beginning my Blog have visitor from search engine about 30 40% suddenly drastic down as just vicinity 3%. That happening because blog that have long time don't I update, and while I update again, then my blog is back can enter top rank at search engine result.

5. "Promote your blog", promote your blog to there are many web / blog, forum, free promotion siteses, etc.. Since more and more link your blog is scattered therefore will get often too spider search engine visits your blog.

6. thanks....

NB: tips attention upon don't secure your blog will direct be lifted at search engine's seeking result, since real method from sought after that one knows only from that search engine's owner alone. But at least with follow tips upon webbed / your blog can turn in at search engine search result may be at rank thread

Read more.....“tips Emerging Blog at search Engine”

What is SEO? search Engine Optimization (SEO) are process to increase traffic's quality and amount goes to a website in this case BLOG what does stem from search engine “ natural ” where usufructs that search bases keyword who is targetted. And website / Blog with tall rating usually will stay face page from search result from one search engine, with the meaning website / Blog at page shows face to usufruct search has greatest chance for visited. SEO can also be targetted for a few search result, including image search / image, sought after for local server, and also another specific target.

All this time I thought SEO is secret BIG, and just knew by some bodies have already become ikon at marketing's internet. And for me what do be still newbie at far-flung internet belantara it, SEO stills cryptic. Within reason light which is still blur at dark alley at tunnel tip.

Now I try to understand SEO that what?, SEO that how and its ways of working. At blog this have I gives also tips Non SEO for traffic to go to website / blog us. But that thing still few from traffic what does we want. So supposing it SEO that that our shepherd to place website / blog our at least is at page first usufruct search engine search.

SEO is process to make one website relevant with search engine. And all the things can be reached for by 2 tricks which is by undertaking study to keyword that we will utilize at website and link goes to website.

Until in here still giddiness with SEO?

Please to read this until in here only. And lets we keep on bloging with methodics, in style your own and of course bloging blithe. Don't consider SEO. Keep writing and blogging.

Now I will try to turn back again to SEO. search Engine within reason Yahoo Search, Google or Live has little robot that often been named spider. Spider will try to net keyword who is utilized one website, and from yielding keyword's networking by spider this is, where and when its following website we will at post in yielding seeking that search engine. set up's first time one website, best thing that can be done is utilize keyword tool to get list to amount to keyword what do relevant, and Google has tool it. Utilize that keyword's list to map whatever one presumably waits for that will be looked for by visitor, any kind keyword keyword what does be utilized. Idea outgrows is add keyword keyword that in HTML and places it in website makes website we becomes more relevant for search engine. Ensure keyword that is utilized is real and to be utilized active at website. Highlight in here while we utilize SEO'S tech its mean we mensetting website we to search engine also customer or visitor.

With many its traffik who comes to one website denotes how important website that on search engine. search engine will indeed see website we last essential for website website any other that I link goes to website that with the meaning too will be at ranking first at search engine's list.

One that very basic in SEO is our once get keyword that our post at website is right and a lot of website that refers to go to webste we therefore those are chance outgrow to divide we to accept ranking that tall e.g. Google Page Rank -. This all in once how to we utilize its tech, trick to get tall ranking. One thing that have in here been remembered is if we want to place website we has ranking that lovely at search engine utilizes SEO'S tech or if we just a only have website especially blog forgets SEO and search engine.

Still confused also about SEO?, In essentials SEO that is tech to get traffic that tall to one website by use of keyword keyword one particular. keyword keyword this is following which wills be bait to pull netter while they do thru search engine search. And one must all need process, Learning by Doing who will lead us for over understand what it SEO.

Read more.....“What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)”

How becomes it, if suddenly VGA You wreck? Evenless divides Instania that fond plays gamete or work as designer, one that so needs VGA Card in order not to being troubled by marks sense VGA wreck case. Following is a few things about Torubleshooting VGA Card: Case:
At the time starts up computer, dark screen monitor and black.

1. First step, VGA'S cable cheque and ensures that VGA'S cable have input goes to VGA'S port that is at casing computer.
2. Indicator cheque on monitors, what is walking powernya with normal or not.
3. booting's attempt re.

Invasive on VGA Card / Screen Monitor. Problem as auspices of happening trouble on VGA Card amongst those is:

1. Computer becomes misfire or hang while is utilized for plays game 3D.
2. Can't be utilized to carry on particular game.
3. Windows can't be utilized deep normal mode.
4. There is petit points at screen monitor.


1. VGA'S cable cheque that most link goes to to monitor and goes to casing computer, what have menancap aright or haven't, if haven't inserts that cable according to foot which are of service.
2. connector's cheque or pin that exists on VGA'S cable. If there is that broken or downed, shortly substitutes a new one.
3. Install returns or update driver from VGA Card what does be assembled. To get driver VGA that, can with men downloads of sites that provides driver from VGA it.
4. Try to download version the newest one software last version direct x of Microsoft sites.
5. Visit sites that handle various about problem about game or gamete.
6. Open casing computer, pull out VGA Card of its slot (PC / AGP) from motherboard, and back tide. If at the time computer is started up, display is still black and haven't emerging its image, deputize for VGA Card with a new one, since gets to be ensured by VGA Card there is experiences damage.

Error messages on screen monitor. What always find error messages while play a game or gamete? What is VGA or animations not walks by normal? Or flicker display continually?

1. Menu click Starts>> vote for Help And Support. At one's command Pick A Help Topic, vote for “ Fixing a. problem ”.
2. On left box, vote for “ Gamete, sound, and is problems's video ”.
3. On box next door right, select “ and Multimedia Troubleshooter's Gamete ”.
4. Selection click that figures about problem which be faced then Next's click. Go over that steps until about problem gets to be solved. Utilize Back's switch to go over last stage.

How know type from VGA Card what does be had.

1. Open MS prompt's PACK. On Windows 95 / 98 and Windows Xps / NT 4.0, Menu click Starts, then chooses Programs, and MS's menu click Prompt's PACK or Command Prompt what do be of service. On Windows 3.x or version Windows Nt before 4.0, Main's two-time click then icon MS's two-time click PACK.
2. After MS's window PACK has been opened, typewritten: Debug then switch press [Enter]
3. After display of debug's instruction was opened by emerging cursor indicator, therefore write: D. C000: 0010 and then pressing knobbed [Enter]
4. Meaty display numeral hexadecimal will emerge by ASCII code format and that emerging information also comprises of type from VGA Card what does be had.
5. Typewritten: Q then pressing knobbed [Enter] to come out of Debug's program.
6. Typewritten Exit then switch press [Enter] to return to system. operate for / Windows .

(Other thing that can do to open casing computer and reads manufacturing name that tertera on chipset or IC whatever available on VGA Card at motherboard).

Unstable Screen Monitor rev or arbitrary. Each while logs in to go to Windows Xp, screen monitor rev returns to big measure and for merubafanya to go to forms normal shall change manually., how to so arrangement to invariable screen monitor rev.
Get to do update to VGA Card that proprietary because very likely driver VGA card which is had a lot of lost file or corrupt. To do update can visit sites of that driver's provider and downloads version the newest one. To know maker manufacturing name VGA Card, can do vara's trick this following: on menu Starts>> Administrative Tools's click>> then chooses Computer Management. Under System Tools's category, Device Manager's click. Pluses sign click(+) to feature Adapter's display option. Of this appearance, Windows will look for driver already most update. There is trick even it is as follows:

1. While is Device Manager and Adapter's display appearance arises, right click adapter's display.
2. On that right menu elective Driver's Update.
3. wizard Hardware's box Update will emerge and gives instruction how to do driver's update.

Read more.....“Tips Troublesome VGA Card”

This software lets you view and print Adobe PDF files on a variety of hardware and operating system platforms. Acrobat Reader provides a host of features that enable you to submit PDF forms created with fillable form fields to such applications as Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional and Adobe Form Designer. Play back a variety of embedded multimedia content, such as QuickTime and MP3 files. Read and organize high-fidelity e-books. Activate search and accessibility capabilities built into your PDF files, and display Adobe Photoshop Album slide shows and electronic cards. Version 7.0 offers enhanced performance with faster loading and zooming, expanded device compatibility, and extended application support for files attached to PDF documents.

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Read more.....“Tips and trick | Free Download Adobe Reader 8.1.1”

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Read more.....“Tips and trick | Free Download Internet TV 7.12”

Tips Download CA Antivirus 2009 Free with 1 years subscribtion Activation key code
CA Anti-Virus 2009 is a security product that provides comprehensive protection against viruses, worms and Trojan horse programs. CA Anti-Virus 2009 features ability to scan emails automatically, fully automatic update daily, scheduled scanning, on-demand scanning, real-time scanning, advanced heuristic scanning, interactive virus detection messages, file quarantine, file exclusion list and archive scanning. CA AV 2009 is certified by Independent Testing organizations ICSA Labs, West Coast Labs, and Virus Bulletin as effective virus protector too.

CA Anti-Virus 2009 listed retail price is $39.99 for electronic download to provide 1 year of protection with virus signature update. For user who interested to use CA Anti-Virus 2009, now it’s possible to get free 1 year free trial subscription of CA Anti-Virus 2009 with genuine legitimate license serial number or activation code, as part of promotion for Microsoft customers (who is not anyway?).

To grab the free serial key to activate CA Anti-Virus 2009 for free, submit your details at the following web page:


Fill in and submit the details including a valid email address and password (for a free CA account can be used to request support). A free activation code serial number will be sent to the email Inbox, together with download instruction.

Direct download link for CA Anti-Virus 2009 setup installer: av_en_32.exe

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and help at My Digital Life Forums.

Read more.....“Tips Download CA Antivirus 2009 Free with 1 years subscribtion Activation key code”

This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to install VMware Server 2 on an Ubuntu 8.04 desktop system. With VMware Server you can create and run guest operating systems ("virtual machines") such as Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, etc. under a host operating system. This has the benefit that you can run multiple operating systems on the same hardware which saves a lot of money, and you can move virtual machines from one VMware Server to the next one (or to a system that has the VMware Player which is also free).

Also, with VMware Server you can let your old Windows desktop (that you previously converted into a VMware virtual machine with VMware Converter, as described in this tutorial: http://www.howtoforge.com/vmware_converter_windows_linux run under your Ubuntu desktop. This can be useful if you depend on some applications that exist for Windows only, or if you want to switch to Linux slowly.

Read more at HowtoForge

Read more.....“tips and Trick: Install VMware Server 2 On An Ubuntu 8.04 Desktop”

Norton AntiVirus 2009 provides fast, responsive defense against all types of malicious software including viruses, spyware, worms, and other software threats. It protects your system without slowing it down. Rapid pulse updates every 5 to 15 minutes help to ensure that you're protected from the latest threats.
Working quickly and quietly in the background, Norton AntiVirus requires little memory and system resources. The new Norton Insight relies on extensive online intelligence to target only those processes at risk, resulting in faster, shorter, fewer scans. And the new Norton Protection System employs a multilayered set of security technologies that work in concert to detect, identify, and block attacks. Version 2009 improves on product performance.

Note: The Download Now link will direct you to the developer's site where you'll be asked to provide your e-mail address to download a file.

Free RTM Software. Search Doesn't Have to Be Complicated.

Read more.....“Download Publisher's description of Norton AntiVirus 2009”

Today I am informed one pack application can't or always experience error time is carried on at windows xp. After I cross a cheque apparently that pack application made by clipper summer's c programming language 87. Against which clipper 5.x, clipper summer 87 can't carry on at windows xp whereas clipper 5.x can clear a root at windows xp.

To carry on this application, 2 alternatives that I can give. First carries on vmware at windows xp with Windows 95 as guest OS, both of direct at windows 98. While user wants it regular at windows xp without utilizes vmware.

My solution decide to utilize box's pack, against which vmware box's pack its purpose more simple and not many utilizes resource. Pack Box can access share folder in network and backs up printing via LPT'S port. All printing pack application is done through port LPT and can also pass through USB'S port with add supporting application that is made with windows 2000 application. Between that supporting application as dos2USB.

Read more.....“Carrying on Application DOS at Windows Xp”

To register at google adsense its trick easy distresses. Its requisite which is km shall have web / blog what does its condition fair to middling lovely. So web / blog is still chaos or still haven't there is content it e.g., will distress at approve by google. if have web / blog, succeeding stage which is google adsense open signs in you over there. Kalo has registered you remainedding to wait web / blog you agreed by om google (waiting that until can some days).

if account's following you were agreed by google, you new can assemble adsense at webbed / blog you. Tut, if have agreed by us can assemble adsense at webbed / blog blog we another one, so don't only at web / blog already we list before. And we not necessarily again list web / blog what do we will put adsense

Read more.....“Trick Registers at Google Adsense”

back up template blogger's tips

before we change script script html template we steps advisable by backup before template our original, let at call if there is fault in edits template, our template won't pitch upon.
directly we go to its material:
1. log in blogger
2. edit layouts
3. edit HTML
4. Download full template
5. save as at your pc in xml's format

hopefully this tips gets to help makes blogerholic..

Read more.....“tips back up template blogger's”

Sometimes, while is we are doing defrag harddisk, appearance orders “ Error Defragmenting Drive c, cannot finish defragmentting this drive because it has encountered's windows a. problem. Click Help and carry out the instructions for running Scan is Disc, and then try defragment again ”. Afterwards, defrag's process stops.

Don't panic direct! Gone in for before tips which given by Windows on previous error messages, namely carries on Scan disc to check harddisk's condition. So Scan disc is finished, defrag's attempt again.

if Windows tips has been carried on, but harddisk is still nothing at defrag, gone in for trik this.
1. Click [Start] > [Settings] > [Folder Options…]
2. Vote for tab [View] then option click [Show all files]
3. Press [OK] to come out from window “ Folder Options ”.
4. Click [Start] > [Find] > [Files or Folders]
5. Type “ applog ” on column “ Name:”, and on combo box “ Look In:” vote for drive [C]
6. Mark off to hit on box [Include subfolders]
7. Do search with [Find now]
8. After seeking end, erase all found file (but folder c:-applog's windows ) then folder applog's double click and loading exhaustive delete folder whatever available in it.
9. Seeking window close and recommits Defragmenter's Disc.

Read more.....“Settling troublesome Defrag Process”

Let say, you have linux's installation at home PC. A time, you want to do update, unhappily you have no internet connection (as I). With borrows laptop friend, you will go to warnet, bootong linux at PC already being carried over by USB hardisk's external by force of laptop. You do update, go home, and moves it returns to partision originally at your PC.

Elaborate? Distress? Slow on the update? Really, a lot easier you take in you CPU go to warnet, fuses, connect!
But, we are cannikin want to study. So, this tutorial:

1. Moving PC System goes to USB

With LiveCD that has rsync terinstall, please boot. Ensure also hardisk's external you at flashy. After you come in to go to live's session, utilize terminal, changed to root (herein I utilize sudo, so if system you not back up, changed as root user!).

mkdir is origin
mkdir is aim

You Mounting system that at PC (sda1) to origin. Mount also partisi USB you (sdb1) to the point.

sudo mount / dev / sda1 is origin
sudo mount / dev / sdb1 is aim

Ensure, outgrow partision at USB you are even greater from outgrow it data and system file type its also with.

E.g., my linux mint utilizes ext3 with outgrows 5 Gb, but one is used just 2.7 Gb. So, I make partision with outgrows 4 Gb at USB hardisk's external I. Why is 4Gb? Since upon does update, will necessary spatial temporary that enough to keep and extracts packages before install.

Afterwards, utilize rsync for copy all system's content at mount point origin goes to partision hardisk's external at mount point to the effect. Herein, we will utilize option a. which will look after permission for all something it makes a abode what mark sense.

sudo rsync avr is origin /. to the effect

Do fitting divers that everything good walking.
- boot loader's installation at USB
- Adjusting fstab

To fitting will be worked through at alone part in the late tutorial.
After is finished, please to go to warnet, utilize Bootable Rescue CD / DVD to booting system you at USB.

2. Moving System at USB goes to PC
This process is reversible process. Previously, you ensures mem back up configuration is of important as / etc / fstab and / boot / grub / menu.lst because we will erase all partisi sda1's content (partisi system is your PC)

Well, input again to live's system you, mounting again as usually and does rsync turn back.

sudo mount / dev / sda1 is aim
sudo mount / dev / sdb1 is origin

sudo rm fr is aim / *

sudo rsync avr is origin /. to the effect

Afterwards, do fitting divers. Can also by undertaking overwrite from backup's file you.

3. Configuration fitting
After you , maybe there is umpteen configuration again unsuitably, one that often becomes problem be path partisi at fstab.

Its example on mine. Partisi sda1 at mount goes to root(/), partision sda5 goes to / home and idem idem as swap.

# /dev / sda1
/dev / sda1 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount ro 0 1

# /dev / sda5
/dev / sda5 / home ext3 defaults 0 2

# /dev / idem idem
/dev / idem idem none sw's swap 0 0

After been adjusted by environmentally new one have no partision idem idem and sda5, one that I do only meng just so becomes like it.

# /dev / sda1 at revamps to go to sdb1
/dev / sdb1 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount ro 0 1

# /dev / sda5 at comment
## /dev / sda5 / home ext3 defaults 0 2

# /dev / idem idem at comment
## /dev / idem idem none sw's swap 0 0

But, if e.g. laptop friend you have partision swap, why doesn't be utilized even. You just need to revamp it to path that right.

Besides, most importantly is, if you system configuration as mine upon, with partision home is diqoined. You need also do rsync partision / home's content you, otherwise, you won't can log in as user ordinary. But you just want to do update in text mode as root.

Rsync just partision home you by undertaking exemption on king-size directories (better, to temporary, all file and directory who will be counted out gathered deep one directory).

sudo rsync avr –exclude=name user / directory excepts mount point home /. to the effect / home

my other fitting perceive you can drawn out its own. If you are undoubtless, ever be do backup since early.

Read more.....“Linux's update With USB Hardisk's External”

Besides Windows , operating system Linux can also be carried on from one USB (Flash Disk). Just in 5 minutes, You can install Linux from USB. You can utilize tools named UNetbootin. To can install Linux from Flash Disk, You are mandatory have Flash Disk get meinimal's capacity 1GB.

Besides USB, You ensures have determined desirable Linux distribution, which is: Arch linux, BackTrack, CentOS, CloneZilla, Damn Small Linux, Debian, Dream Linux, Elive, FaunOS, Fedora, Frugalware, Gentoo, Gujin, I am congestion, Linux Mint, Mandriva, netBSD, NTPasswr, openSUSE, Ophcrack, Parted Magic, PClinuxOS, Puppy Linux, Slax, SliTaZ, Smart Boot Manager, Super Grub is Disc, Ubuntu, Xubunu, Zenwalk.

For example, this time installation utilizes distro Linux BackTrack 3 and Ubuntu 8.04.1 LTS, with USB Kingstone DataTraveler 2.0 1GB. Installation steps following it, as quoted by detikINET from Softpedia, Friday (12 / 9 / 2008):

1. Download UNetbootin, keeping on desktop.

2. Right click UNetbootin on desktop, then chooses Properties.

3. Permissions's tab click, mark off to hit (v ) on box' Allow Executing usa file programs', then Close's switch click.

4. Drive in earlier USB goes to computer port. This momentously because You won't can utilize USB if drives in it afters You open UNetbootin's application.

5. Hereafter, files two-time click exe UNetbootin already at downloads previous, then ketikkan password until UNetbootin's application is opened.

6. Vote for Linux's distribution and version that You wants, then chooses installation type and OK click for initiating installation.

All through! Reboot is Your computer and bootinglah from USB. Now You can utilize Linux's operating system portable You.

Read more.....“6 Phase Installs Linux with USB”

* First step hastens boot via BIOS. For implicit information, You can see it on “ Bellow BIOS'S Screen ” at Media PC 04 / 2004 last.
* Hereafter begins to operating system's area. For Windows Xp, beginning by opens System Configuration Utility. On BOOT.INI'S tab, mark off (P ) on “ / NOGUIBOOT ”. This will abridge boot's time by removes startup screen's Windows. On Startup's tab, reselection as minimal as maybe item is indispensable. The same thing also being done on service who is carried on. Labour total service that most load no more than 25.
* Windows xp really observable just after charms on its appearance. If Your main requirement is speed and be not aesthetical, setting is interface rethis can add speed. Input goes to System Properties, vote for tab Advanced. setting reon Performance's option. Then chooses “ Adjust For Best Performance ” on Visual Effects's tab.
* Removing wallpaper and minimalisasi foots up desktop icon can also hasten Your PC. Reduce total icon's desktop until maximal five numbers.
* Removing sound on event Starts Windows will also hasten boot's process. Want faster again? Vote for “ No. Sounds ” on sound scheme.
* Get what amount font that installed on Your Windows? Becoming a lot of total font that installed will add PC work load weight You. default's ala windows attaches a number less than 100 font. Labour total font that installed on gyration 150 font.
* You are meng's active driver's update? Nicely. But Your tofu, file that utilized by driver long time You can slow PC. Trick easiesting to utilize utility affix as Driver Cleaner. Utility this clears driver nVidia and ATI IS former. Driver Cleaner 3.0, can also clear driver long time many chipset motherboard, sound card, etc..

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This download provides the DirectX 9.0c Redistributable August 2008 multi-languaged redistributable that developers can include with their product. The redistributable license agreement covers the terms under which developers may use the Redistributable. For full details please review the DirectX SDK EULA.txt and DirectX Redist.txt files located in the license directory.

This package is localized into Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Czech, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish, Swedish, and English.

System Requirements
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 2000; Windows 2000 Advanced Server; Windows 2000 Professional Edition ; Windows 2000 Server; Windows 2000 Service Pack 2; Windows 2000 Service Pack 3; Windows 2000 Service Pack 4; Windows ME; Windows Server 2003; Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1; Windows Server 2003, Datacenter x64 Edition; Windows Server 2003, Enterprise x64 Edition; Windows Server 2003, Standard x64 Edition; Windows Small Business Server 2003 ; Windows XP; Windows XP 64-bit; Windows XP Embedded; Windows XP Embedded Service Pack 1; Windows XP Embedded Service Pack 2 ; Windows XP Home Edition ; Windows XP Home Edition N; Windows XP Media Center Edition; Windows XP Professional Edition ; Windows XP Professional N; Windows XP Service Pack 1; Windows XP Service Pack 2; Windows XP Starter Edition; Windows XP Tablet PC Edition

Additional Information:
The DirectX 9.0c Redistributable August 2008 installation includes all the latest and previous released DirectX runtime. This includes the bi-monthly D3DX, XInput, and Managed DirectX components.

The DirectX 9.0c Redistributable August 2008 runtime cannot be uninstalled. We recommend Windows Me and Windows XP users create a "System Restore" point before installing.

This update is recommended for those user that do not have internet connection during installation

Size: 80.34 MB
Publisher: Visit Website
Release Date: 2008-08-14
OS: Win 9x/ME/2K/NT/XP/Vista

Download Link:
DirectX 9.0c Redistributable August 2008
DirectX 9.0c Redistributable August 2008

Read more.....“Tips and Trick | Free Download DirectX 9.0c Redistributable August 2008”

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