Story fewing To Hit present dogged viruses have begun glows among technological... hehehe....
As good as whatever antivirus what does we utilize + even recent Update not secure computer free of virus, viral ever effloresce and update anti virus [sebagian besar] just follow that virus developing is alone( so while virus has scattered, pretty much anti virus can new detect a few days later). But Computer without anti virus by a long shot vulnerable to strike virus
To a considerable part user, maybe this article have ordinary and is not goods a new one again, but divides ordinary user / announce maybe get utilitarian to prevent input virus / contaminates to go to our PC. Remembering home affairs virus developing that so quick. It may because a lot of the [adanya] source code who words to make the point virus makings that is publicized in common, one that maybe fathoms a meaning a only trade information only, but that outboard possible there are many that develops alone to make virus and goes fish programmer to try.
A few things that needs at gets things square to prevent input virus / contaminates to go to our computer is:
* Utilize antivirus that everlastingly at update, at least one week once, if online therefore activates auto update on antivirus
* Non activates autorun's facility on our computer, so ROM'S CD and also flashdisk what does we insert to go to computer indirecting to carry on aught file in it. To is haven't know, can see its trick in here
* Feature all windows file extension, including file system windows . Its trick: At explorer's windows opens Tools's menu> Folder Options … then elective view's tab then vote for (activate) option “ show hidden files and folder ”, check's decompressing on selection “ Hide Extensions For Known types's file ” also check's sign decompressing on “ Hide Protected Operating System Files (Recommended)”.
* Check each flashdisk that is inserted what available autorun.inf's file, if there is attempt seen by its content, if points to go to one .exe's file, . etc. or .scr what does queer / hidden, shortly erases its file or scan with antivirus
* This one may very important: If computer utilized by a lot of person, send for that cautious user before going one file, don't just see iconnya, but sees its extension. E.g. that file with icon MS word, excel, image, MP3 etcetera but shuttlecock gets .exe's extension, . scr, . vbs, . bat or in conflict with iconnya, please argus-eyed
* Utilize tools / program as autoruns to see file / walking whatever program while windows is activated. If there is program which queer shortly asks to more person tofu.
As good as whatever antivirus what does we utilize + even recent Update not secure computer free of virus, viral ever effloresce and update anti virus [sebagian besar] just follow that virus developing is alone( so while virus has scattered, pretty much anti virus can new detect a few days later). But Computer without anti virus by a long shot vulnerable to strike virus
To a considerable part user, maybe this article have ordinary and is not goods a new one again, but divides ordinary user / announce maybe get utilitarian to prevent input virus / contaminates to go to our PC. Remembering home affairs virus developing that so quick. It may because a lot of the [adanya] source code who words to make the point virus makings that is publicized in common, one that maybe fathoms a meaning a only trade information only, but that outboard possible there are many that develops alone to make virus and goes fish programmer to try.
A few things that needs at gets things square to prevent input virus / contaminates to go to our computer is:
* Utilize antivirus that everlastingly at update, at least one week once, if online therefore activates auto update on antivirus
* Non activates autorun's facility on our computer, so ROM'S CD and also flashdisk what does we insert to go to computer indirecting to carry on aught file in it. To is haven't know, can see its trick in here
* Feature all windows file extension, including file system windows . Its trick: At explorer's windows opens Tools's menu> Folder Options … then elective view's tab then vote for (activate) option “ show hidden files and folder ”, check's decompressing on selection “ Hide Extensions For Known types's file ” also check's sign decompressing on “ Hide Protected Operating System Files (Recommended)”.
* Check each flashdisk that is inserted what available autorun.inf's file, if there is attempt seen by its content, if points to go to one .exe's file, . etc. or .scr what does queer / hidden, shortly erases its file or scan with antivirus
* This one may very important: If computer utilized by a lot of person, send for that cautious user before going one file, don't just see iconnya, but sees its extension. E.g. that file with icon MS word, excel, image, MP3 etcetera but shuttlecock gets .exe's extension, . scr, . vbs, . bat or in conflict with iconnya, please argus-eyed
* Utilize tools / program as autoruns to see file / walking whatever program while windows is activated. If there is program which queer shortly asks to more person tofu.
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