computer you strike Virus that having type hide you essential files?

or its terminology super hidden,and at folder options's menu “ show hidden files and folders ” also lost?

okay pleases to follow some way hereunder

trick 1
registry's open editor: click Starts, vote for Run and type “ regedit ” (without quotation mark) .

Then leads a part left on goes to y. hereunder:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden]

On starboard makes String Value by the name of value “ Type ” then double clicks and value's part content data with “ group ”. regedit's application close then restarts computer.

trick 2
DWORD Value's cause, name love “ Hidden ”

User Goes To y.: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\
Value Name: Hidden
Type's data: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value)
Value is Data: (1 = show hidden, 2 = No Show)

trick 3
this typewritten attempt at command prompt: attrib g:\*.* -s h / s / d. (assumption: G:\ is drive usb flahdisk ybs)

Kalo fails to try do about folder / file. deputize for *.* by the name of folder / desirable file.

Example: attrib g:\folder1 s h / s / d.
attrib g:\folder1 s h / s / d.
attrib g:\namefile1. ext. s h
attrib g:\namefile1. ext. s h

To trifling fledged information option ATTRIB this, attrib.exe /'s type? at command prompt.

trick 4
Input here:


Brosing goes to y. to y. which be there:
value CheckedValue's fox 2nd ato 1
value DefaultValue's fox 2nd ato 1

Hopefully helps …

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